Xcub flying over snow-peaked mountains




August 29th, 2019 – Development Update

Wandering into the grass of irrelevancy attempting to flush out the rodents of inaccuracy in order to bring you the “real news”.  

As we bring August to a close, the team wanted to provide a few quick updates and some new content.

  • Development Roadmap – General release of the DR is here! We’ve added a few updates for September to improve clarity.
  • Web Post Timing – For those of you ”across the pond” and in time zones not “PST” – we are working to deliver our updates earlier in the day. So look for earlier post times starting in September.  
  • Build Program Update – Tech Alpha sign-up starts September 12th!
  • Feature Discovery Series – The Feature Discovery Series (preview in September, launch in October) is our deep dive into the areas of the simulation, driven by a number of threads we’ve seen across the forums we follow closely. We are on track to provide a preview at the end of September and the kickoff of the series in early October.
  • Media Update – We posted (2) Screenshots and (3) clips from early 2019 builds. Head into the Insider Area to check out the goods!


Next update coming September 12th!


Microsoft Flight Simulator Team